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Follow the link to find a specific group that fits your season of life and schedule!
Vertical Men is a groups that meets on Wednesday nights at Vertical. We share stories, study God’s word, and create deep friendships. Learn more and join us!

Women at
Weekly Gatherings.
Each gathering might look different, but you can always bet that you'll have the opportunity to be surrounded by other women who want the same thing you do, connection. Our desire is for women to be confident, committed, and connected. If you're looking to get to know other women and start real friendships, then we'd love for you to join us around The Table.
Tuesday Nights 6PM @ Vertical Church (childcare included)
You can expect a laid back + intentional time with ladies in the community. At times there will be studies to dig in to, and other nights will be filled with times of prayer and genuine connection. A

Vertical Groups FAQ’s
What's the Structure Like?
We have three group cycles per year (Fall, Spring and Summer). Authentic community takes work and commitment. We ask that everyone make a commitment to meet with their group through the semester. To help us connect with God, group meetings include a time of study and discussion. To help us connect with others, groups are intentional about forming relationships. Groups have different focuses, for example: Financial Peace University (FPU - presenting biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be), studying through a book of the Bible together, how to be a better parent, and digging deeper into Sunday’s morning sermon.
Is Childcare Provided?
Vertical Church offers a flat-rate reimbursement plan; however, it is your responsibility to make childcare arrangements for your children during group meetings. Please click the button below to fill out the reimbursement form. If you have any questions about Childcare Reimbursement, you can email our Director of Administration, Amata Castillo, at AmataC@livevertical.tv